Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bag Tag

I was tagged by my daughter-in-law to show what resides in my purse, so here it goes.

1: Camera
2: Bookmark
3: Toothbrush
4: Dental Floss
5: Eye Glass cleaner
6: Hand sanitizer
7: Lowe's receipt
8: Wallett
9: Small bag for misc papers
10: 3 Pens
11: 5 lip gloss containers
12: Finger nail clippers
13: Drugs
14: Prescriptions for new drugs
15: Gift Certificate
16: Inhalers for my asthma
17: Campho phinique

I usually have a bottle of water, my keys, and a book in my purse, you caught me on a good day.
I just cleaned out my purse of old receipts. Yea me!

I tag my daughters to do their book bags and or back pack
I also tag Pam Larsen, Cheryl Levi and Irene Fossat( this one should be very interesting)

1 comment:

Brenden, Lorie and Our Girls said...

your lucky, i had rocks in my purse.