Friday, October 10, 2008

Summer activities

In July the girls were able to come visit us for a few weeks. We had a lot of fun. We went to see the play "Peter Pan" that was put on by a local theater group. Sydney Bergen (Jordan's friend) played Peter Pan. The show was great.

Irene fell asleep at Shoshone Falls one Sunday afternoon. Ron and Irene came to visit to attend the temple open house.
Jordan had her wisdom teeth out in Aug. She did well and as you can see Ally stayed with her to make sure she didn't need anything. Ally is always being the "mommy"

Laci graduated from obedience school.
Our trip to the temple open house

1 comment:

Brenden, Lorie and Our Girls said...

Thank you so much for taking the girls this summer. Kylee still talks about when they went through the temple.