Sunday, May 11, 2008

Our daughters

My father and Peggy were sealed in the temple on May 9th and we had a picnic after the ceramony. I wanted to take a bunch of pictures of everyone but my battery died. I did get some of my favorite people though.

Puppy's post bathtime

Ally w.rapped Laci in a towel and held her like a baby after the bath. I guess we stressed her out because she fell asleep

OH! how cute she is when she is sleeping. Laci has been a great dog and doesn't cause too much trouble. We have been traveling a lot this last week and she has adapted to being in the kennel quickly.

Mother and daughter fiesta

On May 9th the activity day girls had a dinner with their mothers. It was a lot of fun. We played games and had Pork Barbacoa from Cafe' Rio for dinner. One of the leaders used to work for Cafe' Rio and had a variation of the receipe for the pork and the tomatillo dressing. It was very yummy.

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to everyone. I hope it was a nice day. My day was terrific.

Bag Tag

I was tagged by my daughter-in-law to show what resides in my purse, so here it goes.

1: Camera
2: Bookmark
3: Toothbrush
4: Dental Floss
5: Eye Glass cleaner
6: Hand sanitizer
7: Lowe's receipt
8: Wallett
9: Small bag for misc papers
10: 3 Pens
11: 5 lip gloss containers
12: Finger nail clippers
13: Drugs
14: Prescriptions for new drugs
15: Gift Certificate
16: Inhalers for my asthma
17: Campho phinique

I usually have a bottle of water, my keys, and a book in my purse, you caught me on a good day.
I just cleaned out my purse of old receipts. Yea me!

I tag my daughters to do their book bags and or back pack
I also tag Pam Larsen, Cheryl Levi and Irene Fossat( this one should be very interesting)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Turtle Farm!!!

Its Turtle Farm day... This post is for you Allyson.  I saw a ton of big and little Harley's today.  I was able to hold and feed them.  It was so much fun.  Some of the turtle's were over 4.5 feet long.

This turtle kept spitting water out its nose trying to get me to feed it the turtle food we bought.  The food looked like purina dog food.  

The turtles pictured below are on the endangered species list and are some of the oldest know species alive today.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Can you find the Iguana

This is Seven Mile Beach.  It really does stretch out for seven miles.  I walked about 4 of them today.  Its really nice.

I noticed this Iguana playing around in a hedge.  Can you find it?  It was about 3 feet long.  They are all over the place here.

Newest Edition To the Family

We now have a new edition to the family. She is 7 weeks old and her name is Lacey. I think that is how we're going to spell it. She is a lot of fun!

Friday, May 2, 2008

I made it alive!!! Grand Cayman Day one

Well it was a really uneventful trip to Grand Cayman. I got on the plane in Las Vegas at 10:05 pm which is the red eye. I arrived in New York at 5:25 am and had a lay over until 9:25. I was so tired. The plane from New York ended up being grounded for over two hours so we didn't end up leaving until after 11:30 est. They made us sit on the plane the entire time so it ended up being almost six hours. When I finally got into the airport, a couple of students were there to pick me and we went to my apartment in the Residence Hall. Its not too bad. My roomate is from Texas and is going to the Vet school here. His family is here with him and they took us out to dinner at the Warf which is located right on the beach. I had the Agulha (Swordfish). They made it island style, which is a little spicy with sauteed onions, peppers and mushrooms. It was served over rice and steamed vegetables. Probably the best fish I have ever had.

It was fun to watch the sun go down and see the pirate ships giving tours.

View from table at the Warf

They also fee the Tarpons from the resturant. They are anywhere from 3 ft to 6 feet in length.